squid ftp problema
Kosa Attila
2006-10-18 13:24:30 UTC
Debian Sarge, squid 2.5.9-10sarge2. Van egy url:

Squid nelkul (a bongeszot direktben kiengedve) hiba nelkul
leszedi a fajlt. Squid-ban (full debug mellett) ez latszik (nem
az egesz logot mutatom, csak a relevans reszeket):

2006/10/16 11:57:18| parseHttpRequest: URI is 'ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908'
2006/10/16 11:57:18| The request GET ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908 is ALLOWED, because it matched 'intra'
2006/10/16 11:57:18| ftpStart: host=ftp.compaq.com, path=/pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908, user=anonymous, passwd=Squid@
2006/10/16 11:57:18| ftpParseControlReply: s = {220 zmaftppro13 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
2006/10/16 11:57:18| 220 zmaftppro13 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
2006/10/16 11:57:18| ftpWriteCommand: USER anonymous
2006/10/16 11:57:18| ftpParseControlReply: s = {331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
2006/10/16 11:57:18| 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
2006/10/16 11:57:18| ftpWriteCommand: PASS Squid@
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {230-...
230 Anonymous user logged in.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {230 Anonymous
user logged in.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| 230 Anonymous user logged in.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpWriteCommand: TYPE I
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {200 Type set to I.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| 200 Type set to I.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpWriteCommand: CWD pub
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {250 CWD command successful.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| 250 CWD command successful.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpWriteCommand: CWD softpaq
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {250 CWD command successful.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| 250 CWD command successful.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpWriteCommand: CWD sp33001-33500
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {250 CWD command successful.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| 250 CWD command successful.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpWriteCommand: MDTM sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| 550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpWriteCommand: SIZE sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpParseControlReply: s = {550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| 550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:19| fd_open FD 17 ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpSendPasv: Unconnected data socket created on FD 17
2006/10/16 11:57:19| ftpWriteCommand: PASV
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpParseControlReply: s = {227 Entering Passive Mode (161,114,65,123,10,8).
2006/10/16 11:57:20| 227 Entering Passive Mode (161,114,65,123,10,8).
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpWriteCommand: RETR sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpParseControlReply: s = {550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:20| 550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpWriteCommand: CWD sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpParseControlReply: s = {550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:20| 550 sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpWriteCommand: MDTM /pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpParseControlReply: s = {550 /pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:20| 550 /pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908: The system cannot find the file specified.
2006/10/16 11:57:20| ftpWriteCommand: SIZE /pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33382.exe;jsessionid=FvDVx2F2dVvyWMTQk7WvTR05hRp8Gn045LBvpqMvvSh0X2hnnhTV!864934908

Ha a pontosvesszo elotti reszt kerem a squid-on keresztul, akkor
szepen le tudja hozni a fajlt. Van ennek korrekt megoldasara
valamilyen konfiguracios lehetoseg? Netan ez egy bug lenne a
squid-ban? Barmilyen otlet (a squid kidobasan kivul)? Esetleg
nincs valakinek ujabb squid-ja, hogy kiprobalna, mukodik-e ezen
link letoltese rajta keresztul?
Csikvár László
2006-10-20 12:37:29 UTC
On Wed, 2006-10-18 at 15:24 +0200, Kosa Attila wrote:
Post by Kosa Attila
Ha a pontosvesszo elotti reszt kerem a squid-on keresztul, akkor
szepen le tudja hozni a fajlt. Van ennek korrekt megoldasara
valamilyen konfiguracios lehetoseg? Netan ez egy bug lenne a
squid-ban? Barmilyen otlet (a squid kidobasan kivul)? Esetleg
nincs valakinek ujabb squid-ja, hogy kiprobalna, mukodik-e ezen
link letoltese rajta keresztul?
Szia !

Nekem letottttti az teljes url-el siman.

Ez van:
Debian Sarge,
Squid Cache: Version 2.5.STABLE9
Az ftp-vel kapcsolatos dolgok untouched a squid.conf-ban.
Transparent proxy van. (iptables+squid)
Ubuntu dapper

Nem lehet, hogy a bongeszo nem csapja le a ; utani reszt ? probaltad mas
bongeszovel ?

Ha akarod, akkor megnezek, elkuldok (majdnem) barmit. :)
Csikvár László

InfoComplex Bt - Megoldást szállítunk.
7630 Pécs, Edison u. 1. fsz. 1/a

tel.: +36 72 555 777
fax.: +36 72 555 778
mobil: +36 70 384 50 34
uin: 7947920
web: http://www.infocomplex.hu
mail: ***@infocomplex.hu
Kosa Attila
2006-10-24 07:17:19 UTC
Post by Csikvár László
Post by Kosa Attila
Ha a pontosvesszo elotti reszt kerem a squid-on keresztul, akkor
szepen le tudja hozni a fajlt. Van ennek korrekt megoldasara
valamilyen konfiguracios lehetoseg? Netan ez egy bug lenne a
squid-ban? Barmilyen otlet (a squid kidobasan kivul)? Esetleg
nincs valakinek ujabb squid-ja, hogy kiprobalna, mukodik-e ezen
link letoltese rajta keresztul?
Debian Sarge,
Squid Cache: Version 2.5.STABLE9
Ugyanez van nekem is.
Post by Csikvár László
Az ftp-vel kapcsolatos dolgok untouched a squid.conf-ban.
Transparent proxy van. (iptables+squid)
Ubuntu dapper
Nem lehet, hogy a bongeszo nem csapja le a ; utani reszt ? probaltad mas
bongeszovel ?
XP alol probaltam IE-vel, valamint Linux alol mozilla-val.
mindkettonel ugyanaz a helyzet. Direktben (proxy nelkul)
mindketto le tudta tolteni.
Post by Csikvár László
Ha akarod, akkor megnezek, elkuldok (majdnem) barmit. :)
Biztos, hogy ftp-re is transzparens az a proxy? (Elnezest a

Annak az url-nek a letoltesi logjat jo lenne latni, mert van meg
egy gyanum, hogy transzparens proxy eseten a bongeszo nem a
teljes url-t, hanem mar csak a pontosvesszo elotti reszt adja at
a proxy-nak. Mivel amikor direktben tolti le, akkor nem kerheti
az ftp szervertol az egeszet, hiszen ott valoban nincs ilyen nevu
fajl (ezt is ellenoriztem).