helvetica volt, nincs - bizarr X-font-jelensegek
KORN Andras
2004-06-11 23:12:02 UTC

valami miatt a -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-* font csupa ures
karakterbol all. Az adobe az egyetlen foundry, amiben ilyen font van,
viszont ha az xfontselben beallitom azt is, tehat
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal..., akkor meg jo.

A kulcs egyebkent a ptSz ertek - az xfontselben akkor tunik el a font,
amikor azt beallitom. A -*- jo, a -80- rossz, a -90- jo, a 100, a 120, a
140, a 180 es a 240 rossz.

Mitol lehet ez?

A rendszer lenyegeben Debian sid, es a konkret tunet az, hogy nehany
programban nehany font nem latszik - pl. uresek a menuk az amayaban (a
menupontok helye ott van, mukodnek is, csak a szoveg nem latszik).

A kovetkezo, fontokkal kapcsolatos csomagok vannak fent (bocs a hosszu

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Description
ii dafont-basic-fixedwidth 1.00-1 Dafont Basic Fixed Width fonts package.
ii defoma 0.11.8 Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration framework
ii dfontmgr 0.11.7 GUI frontend for Defoma, DEbian FOnt MAnager
ii dvi2ps-fontdata-bsr 1.0.1-0.1 tfm files for bluesky research fonts
ii dynafont 1.0-15 Module for konwert package which loads UTF-8 fonts dynamically
ii figfonts 2.2.1-1 User contributed fonts for figlet
ii fontconfig 2.2.2-2 generic font configuration library
ii fonty 1.0-15 Fonts on Linux console
ii fonty-extra 1.6 A bundle of console fonts in many encodings
ii fonty-rg 0.4 Linux console fonts in various encodings
ii freefont 0.10-11 Freeware font selection for X11
ii gsfonts 8.14-3 Fonts for the Ghostscript interpreter(s)
ii gsfonts-other 6.0-3 Additional fonts for the ghostscript interpreter
ii gsfonts-x11 0.17 Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11
ii gtkfontsel 1.1-6 A gtk+ based font selection utility
ii latex-xft-fonts 0.1-3 Xft-compatible versions of some LaTeX fonts
ii libfont-afm-perl 1.18-1 Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files for Perl
ii libfontconfig1 2.2.2-2 generic font configuration library (shared library)
ii mplayer-fonts 3.5-2 Fonts for mplayer
ii msttcorefonts 1.1.4 Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
ii psfontmgr 0.11.8 PostScript font manager -- part of Defoma, Debian Font Manager
ii sharefont 0.10-12 Shareware font selection for X11
ii ttf-freefont 20030519-1 Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts
ii ult1mo-fonts 1.0-10 some Type1 fonts in ISO-8859-2 encoding
ii unifont 1.0-1 X11 dual-width GNU unicode font
ii x-ttcidfont-conf 14 Configure TrueType and CID fonts for X
ii xfonts-100dpi 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 100 dpi fonts for X
ii xfonts-100dpi-transcoded 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 100 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
ii xfonts-75dpi 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 75 dpi fonts for X
ii xfonts-75dpi-transcoded 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 75 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
ii xfonts-artwiz 2.5 X fonts created by Artwiz, TigerT, and Daniel Erat
ii xfonts-base 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 standard fonts for X
ii xfonts-base-transcoded 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 standard fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
ii xfonts-biznet-100dpi 3.0.0-15 100 dpi BIZNET ISO-8859-2 fonts for X servers
ii xfonts-biznet-75dpi 3.0.0-15 75 dpi BIZNET ISO-8859-2 fonts for X servers
ii xfonts-biznet-base 3.0.0-15 Standard BIZNET ISO-8859-2 fonts for X servers
ii xfonts-biznet-iso-8859-2-100dpi 3.0.0-15 100 dpi BIZNET ISO-8859-2 fonts for X servers - meta package
ii xfonts-biznet-iso-8859-2-75dpi 3.0.0-15 75 dpi BIZNET ISO-8859-2 fonts for X servers - meta package
ii xfonts-biznet-iso-8859-2-base 3.0.0-15 Standard BIZNET ISO-8859-2 fonts for X servers - meta package
ii xfonts-dosemu 1.2.1-1 VGA font for the DOS Emulator
ii xfonts-efont-unicode 0.4.0-4 /efont/ Unicode fonts for X which cover various scripts
ii xfonts-efont-unicode-ib 0.4.0-4 /efont/ Unicode fonts for X (italic and bold)
ii xfonts-intl-european 1.2.1-2 International fonts for X -- European
ii xfonts-jmk 3.0-4 James M. Knoble's character-cell fonts for X
ii xfonts-konsole 3.2.2-1 Fonts used by the KDE Konsole
ii xfonts-nexus 0.0.2-7 Nexus font for X
ii xfonts-pex 4.1.0-17 fonts for minimal PEX support in X
ii xfonts-scalable 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 scalable fonts for X
ii xfonts-scalable-nonfree 4.2.0-2 non-free Type1 and TrueType fonts from XFree86
ii xfonts-terminus 4.06-1 Fixed-width fonts for fast reading
ii xfonts-terminus-dos 4.06-1 Fixed-width fonts for DOS encodings
ii xfonts-terminus-oblique 4.06-1 Oblique version of the Terminus font

Ezeknek a nagy reszet probaltam mar leszedni, de a tunet nem mult el. Az is
furcsa volt, hogy a helveticat sehogy se tudtam kiirtani az xfontsel altal
felajanlott fontok kozul, pedig elvileg az xfonts-{100,75}dpi csomagban van,
es azokat is leszedtem... (Termeszetesen volt xset fp rehash, fontserver
restart, X restart, minden.)

Mi lehet a gond a helveticaval?

Andras Korn <korn at chardonnay.math.bme.hu>
<http://chardonnay.math.bme.hu/~korn/> QOTD:
Life is much easier if you look at the source code.
KORN Andras
2004-06-21 15:40:41 UTC
Post by KORN Andras
karakterbol all. Az adobe az egyetlen foundry, amiben ilyen font van,
viszont ha az xfontselben beallitom azt is, tehat
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal..., akkor meg jo.
A kulcs egyebkent a ptSz ertek - az xfontselben akkor tunik el a font,
amikor azt beallitom. A -*- jo, a -80- rossz, a -90- jo, a 100, a 120, a
140, a 180 es a 240 rossz.
Mitol lehet ez?
Bonuszkerdes: le lehet-e valahogyan kerdezni, hogy egy adott X-es program
milyen fontokat probal hasznalni, es esetleg hogy azok a fontpath melyik
elemebol jonnek? Az strace nem igazan nyero, vagy kene hozza egy X protocol

Andras Korn <korn at chardonnay.math.bme.hu>
<http://chardonnay.math.bme.hu/~korn/> QOTD:
Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.