Post by KADI GergoLVS-sel nem nagyon hiszem, hogy lehetne mysql-t loadbalance-olni.
Ebben a configban kell valami kozos tarhely (NAS vagy kulon gep ami a
terhelyet biztositja), amit minden node hasznal. Ha ez egy dedikalt gep,
akkor as single-point-of-failure tud lenni.
Nem is kell, a mysql clusteraware, nem kell hozzá semmi extra:
17.1 MySQL Cluster Overview
MySQL Cluster is a new technology to enable clustering of in-memory
databases in a shared-nothing system. The shared-nothing architecture
allows the system to work with very inexpensive hardware, without any
specific requirement on hardware or software. It also does not have any
single point of failure because each component has its own memory and disk.
MySQL Cluster is an integration of the standard MySQL server with an
in-memory clustered storage engine, called NDB. In our documentation,
the term NDB refers to the storage engine specific part of the setup,
whereas MySQL Cluster refers to the combination of MySQL and the new
storage engine.
A MySQL Cluster consists of computers with a set of processes executing
several MySQL servers, storage nodes for NDB Cluster, management servers
and possibly also specialized data access programs. All these programs
work together to form MySQL Cluster. When data is stored in the NDB
Cluster storage engine, the tables are stored in the storage nodes for
NDB Cluster. Those tables are directly accessible also from all other
MySQL servers in the cluster. Thus, if one application updates the
salary of an employee, all other MySQL servers that query this data can
see it immediately.
The data stored in the storage nodes for MySQL Cluster can be mirrored
and can handle failures of storage nodes with no impact other than that
a number of transactions are aborted due to loosing the transaction
state. This causes no problems since transactional applications should
be written to handle transaction failure.
By bringing MySQL Cluster to the open source world, MySQL makes
clustered data management with high availability, high performance, and
scalability available to all who need it.
Persze etttől még lehet, hogy jobban jár egy ssi clusterrel. Próbálkozni
a clusterknoppix-szal érdemes, azzal egy óra alatt lehet ssi clustert
Gabor HALASZ <***>